In the economic engine that is the U.S., 3% of America’s gross domestic product (GDP) is supported by the dairy industry, reports the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA)
Each June, as part of National Dairy Month, the dairy community throughout the nation celebrates the role milk and dairy foods play in nourishing people and supporting healthier communities — and...
If you know me, you likely know I am originally from Argentina. One characteristic of people from Argentina is that they frequently use metaphors to describe circumstances
When consumers spend $1 on dairy products, dairy farmers receive 36 cents of that dollar. That’s according to the latest research by USDA’s Economic Research Service
Long before American businesses committed to corporate social responsibility, dairy farmers set the precedent for purpose-driven work by producing a product that nourishes youth and families
Continuing education comes in many forms. Some students looking to pursue post-high school training in dairy production choose a technical college degree
Farm bill negotiations, an effort to modernize the Federal Milk Marketing Order system, and an ongoing dairy labeling battle provided up-and-coming dairy leaders with no shortage of topics to discuss with...
There is no question National Dairy Council (NDC) is considered a scientific authority when it comes to dairy nutrition thanks to farmers’ vision that created the organization more than a century...
The financial health of dairy producers has weakened in 2023. The April 2023 Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) margin falling below the $6 level provides insight into dairy producers' tight margin situation
Consumers crave connection. How do you create that connection? Build a center halfway around the world, find some of the best people to run it, and ultimately develop synergy between the U.S. and customers...
It’s often said, “Seeing is believing.” To that end, a delegation of U.S. dairy farmers from nine states saw, for the first time, the U.S. Center for Dairy Excellence in action